WE(i) Think

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WE(i) Think provides a new and collaborative generation of advisory services, driven by Innovation and with Wellbeing and Sustainability at its core. Our Goal: To make the world a better place, supporting the United Nations "17 Sustainable Development Goals to Transform our World" and the Blue Zones "Power 9 Principles" to live a healthier and longer life. Our Vision: Looking at each project with Wellness and Sustainability in mind, aligning people and planet aspirations. Our Mission: Accompanying your project step by step from idea to execution, providing innovative solutions to bring your vision to life. We Work with: Cities/Destinations (urban and resort), Tourism & Hospitality, Real Estate Industry. We Support and Empower: our Communities and Creative Thinkers via our Innovation Hub and Research Center.

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WE(i) Think's headquarter address
Line 1: london
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Microsoft Office 365 Outlook
People working at WE(i) Think
Celine Vadam
Founder & CEO
London, England, United Kingdom
Andrew Miele
Think Tank
London, England, United Kingdom
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