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CyXcel is a cyber security consulting business grounded in the law which natively fuses crises, legal, technical, and consulting expertise across computer systems, digital networks, information and operational technology, data privacy, e-crime, and cyber security. Until now, these capabilities have never been consolidated in one provider. CyXcel is the first of its kind and redefines professional support for organisations seeking protection, growth, and success in the digital world. CyXcel’s deeply experienced team offers comprehensive, unparalleled help for organisations wanting to understand, transform and defend all digital aspects of their business, including response and recovery from serious cyber events. Our top-flight leadership is drawn from the legal sector, big four consulting, service integrators, renowned cyber insurers, and the UK and US governments, including the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).

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Weightmans's headquarter address
Line 1: 100 old hall street, liverpool, merseyside, united kingdom
Line 2: 100 Old Hall Street
Weightmans's industries
Law Practice
Weightmans's technology
cyber security cyber incident response data protection privacy
People working at Weightmans
Kevin Brown
Partner, IT Director
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Chris Stewart
Head of Digital
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Andy Carter
Information Security & Business Continuity Manager
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Stuart Whittle
Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Owner
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Dr Catriona Wolfenden
Director of Product and Innovation | Partner
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Paul Tarne
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Alice Wilson
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Joe Holmes
New Business Manager
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Martyn Smith
Head of Sales Enablement
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Denise Wright
Early Careers
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
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