Wellbeats, a LifeSpeak company

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Wellbeats is a leading provider of on-demand virtual fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness classes, assessments, and challenges for use by workplaces of all sizes, college or university campuses, multi-family housing, the U.S. military, and fitness and health clubs. Wellbeats makes fitness easy, accessible, and affordable for all ages, interests, and ability levels. More than 1,000 fitness, mindfulness, and nutrition classes are available via Android and iOS apps and an online portal. For more information, visit us at wellbeats.com.

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Wellbeats, a LifeSpeak company's headquarter address
Line 1: 1660 minnesota 100, minneapolis, minnesota, united states
Line 2: 1660 Highway 100
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health, wellness & fitness
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People working at Wellbeats, a LifeSpeak company
Sarah Ziemer
Senior Vice President Corporate Sales
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Jason Von Bank
President & CEO
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Mark Melsa
Senior Vice President Of Technology
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Kelly Geppi
Regional Vice President of Sales
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Ashley Hasling
Director of Consultant Relations
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Andrea Williamson
Regional Vice President
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Sean Young
Regional Sales Director
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Tiana Emery
Marketing Manager
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Bria Borcherding (she/her)
Associate Vice President of Partner Alliances | Consultant Relations
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Jane Lund
Regional Sales Director
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
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