West Elm

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At west elm, we make it simple to express your personal style at home with unique, affordable, authentic, responsible products. We're always hunting for treasure. We love finding smart, imaginative people who feel a connection to us, our customers and our stories. We're tirelessly seeking out new ways to inspire our customers, whether it's creating in-store installations, sharing styling tips, hosting ETSY events, developing collaborations with artists or discovering hand-crafted treasures from far-flung places. We bring our product to life in our customers' homes and we work hard to make their self expression easy. We look for: — Entrepreneurial spirit — Innovation — Creativity — Collaboration — Ability to appreciate, inspire and be inspired by others — A connection to the neighborhood and its local treasures — A passion for helping people express their style and tell their story at home — A love of connecting to customers through selling and service — A willingness to dig in and contribute — Excitement about the opportunity to make great things happen for the customer and for our brand

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West Elm's headquarter address
Line 1: 3250 van ness avenue, san francisco, california, united states
Line 2: 3250 Van Ness Avenue
West Elm's industries
People working at West Elm
Kevin Lindridge
Vice President, Supply Chain Operations
Liz Weisend
SVP Digital
Rodney Hammond
Director of Merchandising (DMM) + Marketplace/Business Development
Korin Thorig
Vice President, Creative Operations
Marlo Page
Director Global eCommerce, West Elm at Williams-Sonoma, Inc.
Eva Saro
Director, Site Experience
Nicholas Breul
Manager, E-Commerce Operations
Michael Riggs
Director Of Product Development
Fiona Brennan
Manager, E-Commerce Production
Keith Pollock
Senior Vice President, Creative
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