Western Monmouth Utilities Authority

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OUR MISSION The Western Monmouth Utilities Authority will achieve its Vision by ensuring our regional community enjoys an outstanding Environmental Quality of Life through the creation, implementation, and maintenance of industry-recognized best practices in GOVERNMENT, LEADERSHIP, COOPERATION, PROFESSIONALISM, SCIENCE, EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, CONSERVATION, ENGINEERING, FINANCIAL, and BUSINESS OPERATIONS that pursue our ultimate mission to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of our regional waters through: 1. Eliminating the discharge of wastewater pollutants into regional waters; 2. Discharging only reclaimed water which provides for the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and provides for recreation in and on the water; 3. Designing, constructing, building and maintaining systems and structures that collect and treat wastewater in compliance with national, state, and regional goals, laws, regulations and visions; and 4. Encouraging, promoting, developing and implementing regional planning processes to ensure these goals; and 5. Supporting the professional development of our employees, managers, executives, commissioners and other officials to develop the labor, managerial, scientific, technical and financial resources, knowledge, skills, abilities and characteristics necessary to achieve these ends.

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Western Monmouth Utilities Authority's headquarter address
Line 1: 103 pension road, manalapan, nj 07726, us
Line 2: 103 Pension Rd
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People working at Western Monmouth Utilities Authority
Jeffrey Rosen
Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
Brian J. Valentino
Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
Scott Di Benedetto
Chief Financial Officer
Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
Jim Carr
Chief Operating Officer
Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
Stephen Bagadinski, P.E.
Engineering Services Director
Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
Edward Kovacs Jr.
Maintenance Manager
Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
Joseph Pernice
Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
Rosemary Fillimon
Lab Manager/Safety Coordinator
Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
Timothy VanPelt
Licensed Operator & Manager of Regulatory Compliance
Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
Jennifer Rivera
Human Resource Officer & Confidential Assistant
Englishtown, New Jersey, United States
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