WHEN: Women's Higher Education Network

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Through a dedicated national network, WHEN unlocks the huge potential of women to learn from one another. Individuals will feel more fulfilled, productive and valued and universities will perform better. The WHEN network enables members to connect with colleagues beyond their own institution and city, and draw on the power of women from across the HE sector. Women can learn from one another in a fun, empowering and supportive environment, whether on or offline. Members will have access to a vibrant online community in addition to offline networking opportunities, tailored training events and an annual conference. So it doesn't matter where you are in the country, you can still be part of the WHEN network. WHEN offers the first and only national network dedicated to the development and advancement of all women working in higher education. The WHEN network explicitly recognises and addresses the unique differences and challenges faced by professional services women, as well as academic women.

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People working at WHEN: Women's Higher Education Network
Cianne Jones
Chief Operating Officer
King's Cross, England, United Kingdom
Alice Chilver
Founder and CEO
King's Cross, England, United Kingdom
Jenny Rampling
Head of Development
King's Cross, England, United Kingdom
Yasmin Ali
Director Of Operations
King's Cross, England, United Kingdom
Nelly Elessa
Career Coach
King's Cross, England, United Kingdom
Nicola Lee
Head of Strategic Initiatives
King's Cross, England, United Kingdom
Marshah Dixon-Terry
Executive Career Coach
King's Cross, England, United Kingdom
Ana Faro, PhD
Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Impact (volunteer)
King's Cross, England, United Kingdom
Rebekah Watson
Strategic Initiatives Manager
King's Cross, England, United Kingdom
Shing-Wai Wong
Member of the Advisory Board
King's Cross, England, United Kingdom
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