WhiteSwan Consulting Group

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About Us Our Vision at WCG is 'To be a continuously innovating and people centric organization, engaged in designing & providing need-specific research based interventions for 'Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness' WCG an 'Organizational Effectiveness Company', has special focus on need-based end-to-end practical, research based solutions. -WE adopt a proven 7 step 'Learner Centric' approach which is unique and cost effective. -Our need-based interventions are designed, developed and administered by world-class faculty from IIMs, IITs and the best from the industry. We have provided solutions to IT software, hardware, services companies. Our Team of Consultants are specialized and have been providing end to end Training & orgnizational development solutions to service industry like 5 star hotel chains, Multinational Insurance Corporate, International BPOs and Call Centers, Top Indian Organizations in the Consumer Product space as well as Financial, engineering, space. We have expertise in systems & skill enhancement.

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WhiteSwan Consulting Group's headquarter address
Line 1: a-272, defence colony, new delhi, delhi in
Line 2: A-269
WhiteSwan Consulting Group's industries
management consulting
People working at WhiteSwan Consulting Group
Prof Dr. Anjali Nigam Creating High Impact startups, Incubators
Lead Trainer 'POSH, Values & Gender Sensitization'
Aprajita Morya
Consultant - CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) & HR
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Bill Boatzelaer
New Delhi, Delhi, India
WhiteSwan Foundation
Foundation Director
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Dr. Anjali Nigam
samantha watson
New Delhi, Delhi, India
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