Wiener osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d.

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Wiener osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d. is a part of the leading insurance group in Central and Eastern Europe - Vienna Insurance Group. The company began its work in Croatia under the name of Wiener Städtische osiguranje d.d. in September 1999 and till this day went through a couple of mergers and acquisitions (Kvarner osiguranje, Aurum Wiener Städtische osiguranje, Kvarner osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group, Helios Vienna Insurance Group) which contributed to the expansion of the sales network and quality improvement of the services offered. Expansion of sales in bank channel is one of the strategic goals of the Group, which lead to latest acquisition of Erste osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group in May 2018. This merge achieved goal to build a bigger and stronger company since, in strategic sense, Vienna Insurance Group considers Croatia one of its key markets and wanted to additionally strengthen its position on it. This was achieved by combining quality and excellence, to be able to offer even better and faster service of higher quality to our esteemed clients. Wiener osiguranje is currently, according to the achieved premium, 4th insurance company in the Croatian market. Through more than 80 retail offices located across the country, over 700 employees are constantly available to their clients in order to provide them with advice when they opt for optimal and complete insurance coverage for themselves, their families and property and to make claims handling faster and more effective. Since the company believes that people are creators of success, it bases its business and strategic goals on educated and motivated employees who recognise and in time react on clients'​ individual needs and circumstances that influence the market.

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People working at Wiener osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d.
Jasminka Horvat Martinović
Chief Executive Officer
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Josip Milicic
Head of IT Department
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Ivan Đaković
Director of external sales network
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Želimir Ostojić
Sales Director of the Zagreb Region
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Lucia Ana Tomić
Head of HR and Regulatory Affairs
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Tamara Rendić
Member of the Management Board, CFO
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Božo Šaravanja
Member of the Management Board at Wiener osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d.
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Ante Puljiz
Director of Claims Division
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Vanja Gaspert
Head of Procurement and Maintenance
Nikolina Dražeta
Head of External Sales
Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
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