Willetton Basketball Association Inc

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Formed in 1973 Willetton Basketball Association Inc (WBA) has developed a strong reputation in providing successful development pathways for junior basketball players, allowing both male and female players to reach their full potential in both social and representative basketball. One of the largest associations in Wesern Australia, we run a vibrant and well-supported domestic competition for juniors and seniors. We have an enviable track record for our success with the numbers and quality of players who make it into representative and state teams. Willetton Basketball Association Inc is based at the Willetton Basketball Stadium, located on Burrendah Boulevarde, opposite the Southlands Shopping Centre in Willetton. Our stadium is largely run by a volunteer committee structure in conjunction with a core staff component. * the Southlands Willetton Tigers are our state league (SBL) teams. * we are closely linked to the Willetton Senior High basketball scholarship program * we have a strong focus on supporting and developing the skills of our referees and officials * we hold term-time skills classes for children of 4-9 years old * every school holiday we conduct fun school holiday camps with a variety of indoor sports * we run school sports programs, in particular end of year programs - our proximity to Hoyts Southlands and DarkZone means we can provide a variety of activities.

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