Wimmer Horizon LLP

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Wimmer Horizon is a Systematic Investment Manager that trades a portfolio of global commodity, financial and foreign exchange markets. Trading experience and intuition guides our quantitative research that is verified by unbiased mathematical analysis of the results. Wimmer Horizon has a successful long term track record of over 15 years. Our clients are: HNW's, UHNW's, Family Offices, Wealth Managers, Banks, Insurers, Pensions, Endowments, FOF's, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Financial Institutions. We also work with Wimmer Financial who is able to provide Bank Guaranteed products. Wimmer Horizon LLP is based in London, UK, regulated by the FCA in the UK and the CFTC/NFA in the US. Wimmer Horizon was established in 2005 as Beach Horizon LLP and was originally part of Beach Capital Management which was founded in 1998. Its founders have managed billion dollar funds and have had many decades experience in managing institutional assets. Wimmer Horizon's clients over the years have included pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, fund of funds, wealth management advisors and high net worth individuals. Clients are from around the globe including the USA, Switzerland, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. DISCLAIMER The material on this page is: * not intended to and shall not in any way constitute an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy an interest in any of the investment products that appear or are mentioned; * not intended to furnish any investment advice or services; * provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute investment, legal, tax or other advice; and * is provided without any express or implied warranty.

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Line 1: 41-46 piccadilly, london, please select w1j 0ds, gb
Line 2: 41 Piccadilly
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investment management
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People working at Wimmer Horizon LLP
Paul O'Reilly
Head of Trading and Operations
London, England, United Kingdom
Paul Netherwood
Founding Partner and Owner
London, England, United Kingdom
richard ewan
North American Advisor
London, England, United Kingdom
Antonio Curia
Executive Director (FCA n. 665654) [Wimmer Family Office/Investment Management]
London, England, United Kingdom
Sanjeev L.
London, England, United Kingdom
Arthur McGibbon
Principal Research & Development Engineer
London, England, United Kingdom
Darren Syzling
Senior Software Engineer
London, England, United Kingdom
Alan Goulding
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