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Women In Reality Films is committed to unifying and empowering Black Women Content Creators. The goal of the Women In Reality Films is to work together to Create, Own, License and Distribute Content. Women of Color are underrepresented in every area of Film, Television, Media and Music. The few roles available are stereotypes that lack the depth and complexities of who we are in reality. Founder Nicci Gilbert-Daniels created WIRF because she believes that the current images of women and girls in the media have a lasting negative impact on the lives of women and girls in our communities. Nicci believes "Women in the entertainment and media must have more control over our narratives and ownership of our content is the only way." By creating platforms that are for us by us, we level the playing field and demand better representation. WIRF Is an initiative created in partnership with From The Bottom Up Foundation From The Bottom Up Foundation (FTBUF) seeks to redress inequities in services, education and awareness of critical issues facing women and girls of color. FTBUF will seek to provide support and access to services that enhance the mental, physical and financial health & wellness of minority women and girls in need across all socioeconomic statuses. FTBUF will partner with other organizations focused on the upliftment of women and girls, to produce fundraising initiatives to support the Foundation's work. In addition to fundraising, FTBUF will sponsor and produce forums and wellness events that offer guidance, access to resources and referral services to minority women and girls facing domestic violence, sexual misconduct and serious mental, physical or financial crisis

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Line 1: atlanta, ga 30309, us
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Nicci Gilbert-Daniels
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
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