WISE Health SF

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WISE Health (WH) is a health solutions agency founded in 2015. WH aims to work with organizations to design, implement, and evaluate solutions to major public health issues in their community. The model for WH was created as a result of the overwhelming and constant observations of the need for more innovative, tailored and relevant approaches to health that can be easily adapted in any setting. It is our belief that a community driven program can improve health outcomes, create healthy communities, and inform health policies. Although WH offers a variety of community health programming that can be tailored to meet the needs of all ages, we specifically target aging, under-served and socially isolated populations. There are very few community-based programs that provide services that can meet the widerange of needs that under-served populations have in a single setting. Thus, our approach is unique in that we not only have the experience and ability to reach socially and physically active populations through a network of local community partners, but we also reach the increasing population of underserved, socially isolated, disadvantaged and frail populations as well. For both populations, we design, implement, and evaluate programming to reduce social isolation and increase healthy behaviors to ensure optimal health and wellness.

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WISE Health SF's headquarter address
Line 1: 5600 3rd st, san francisco, ca, united states
Line 2: 5600 3rd St
WISE Health SF's industries
health, wellness & fitness
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Gmail Google Analytics Google Apps Google Tag Manager NSOne Paypal Squarespace ECommerce Typekit
People working at WISE Health SF
Brittney Doyle
San Francisco, California, United States
Victoria A. Doyle
Community Relations Consultant
San Francisco, California, United States
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