Witt Gas Controls

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Today WITT is a modern medium sized company which was founded by Paul Witt as a two man operation in the autumn of 1945. The name WITT and later the WITT flashback arrestors with cut-off valves became synonymous with safety in the gas welding industry and spurred the steady growth of the Company. Numerous inventions and patents have been the basis for the continued success and the desire to meet your individual requirements has been our motivation to innovate. In 1969 WITT began to manufacture gas mixers for the production of shielding gases for welding and furnace atmospheres. This was the start of a second product range which now includes portable mixing, metering and analysing units, electronic control and readout systems up to complex processing equipment. Today you can rely on WITT products in all applications which involve the use of industrial gases and where requirements of Quality, Safety and Process Integration

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People working at Witt Gas Controls
David Bell
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Martin Bender
Managing Director
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
John Lyons
National Sales Manager
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Hugh McKenzie
Engineering Manager
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Nathan M.
Instrumentation Technician
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Juan Moreno
Electrical Engineering Technician
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Edgardo Rodriguez
Services Technician
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Brad Humberstone
Inside Sales
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
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