Wockhardt Hospitals

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Wockhardt is a global pharmaceutical and biotechnology organisation, providing affordable, high-quality medicines for a healthier world. It is India's leading research-based global healthcare enterprise with relevance in the fields of Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and a chain of advanced Super Speciality Hospitals. Wockhardt is a true Indian Multi-National Company with a multi-ethnic workforce of 8600 Wockhardt Associates from 21 different nationalities globally. It has 3 research centres and 12 manufacturing plants, with businesses ranging from the manufacture and marketing of Pharmaceutical and Bio-pharmaceutical formulations, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and Vaccines. Headquatered in Mumbai, India, Wockhardt has full-fledged operations in the USA, UK, Ireland and France. It also has its marketing presence in emerging markets of Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Vietnam, Philippines, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Lebanon and Kuwait. Wockhardt's core business is innovation. It uses science and technology to develop medicines and other products that improve the quality of millions people's lives through better health. Wockhardt aspires to create a healthier world. Its strategic vision of ‘More & More with Less & Less' has transformed into new ways of thinking, a new journey for growth, medical breakthroughs for patients and continuing value for all stakeholders.

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Wockhardt Hospitals's headquarter address
Line 1: wockhardt towers, bandra east, wockhardt towers, mumbai, maharashtra, in, 400051
Line 2: 6
Wockhardt Hospitals's industries
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Wockhardt Hospitals's technology
Cufon GoDaddy Hosting Microsoft-IIS YouTube
People working at Wockhardt Hospitals
Avadhesh K. Sharma, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Prakash Gupta
President (Global Supply Chain and Generics Business)
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Ravi Limaye
CEO Wockhardt UK
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Hiten Hori
Director Of Sales & Marketing, EU/Middle east
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Varun Upadhyaya
Head Of Human Resources
Gopalakrishnan Venkatesan
VP - Business Devt
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Alok Ranjan Patro
General Manager - Business Development & Licensing
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Divya Mishra
Head Of Marketing
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Manish Kishore
Global CIO
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Ankeet Doshi
Associate Vice President & Head of Corporate Strategy, M&A and Business Development
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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