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Wohldorff GmbH
Wohldorff develops, manufactures and markets innovative supplements and dietary foods for special medical purposes. Wohldorff develops products based on in-depth research and collaboration with medical professionals, scientists and nutrition experts. Our supplement products have verified medical benefits, however, they are no drugs in terms of European legislation. The controlled active biological ingredients come from Nature and their efficiency has been proven by and published as clinical trials.
- website: http://www.woldorff.com
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/wohldorff-gmbh
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Wohldorff GmbH's headquarter address
Wohldorff GmbH's industries
food & beverages
People working at Wohldorff GmbH
Björn Lindemann
Founder & CEO
Stadt Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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