Women in Blockchain

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Join and shape the direction of this emerging technology. By connecting across interests and backgrounds with a focus on females otherwise underrepresented in the blockchain world, we are working towards equality needed to build products, communities and economies that work for all. We are a group of technologists, academics, business professionals, designers, coders, and writers sharing our knowledge of bleeding edge technology. Our goal is to provide the space and resources for our members to connect, learn, and grow.

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Line 1: new york, ny
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People working at Women in Blockchain
Yasmeen D.
New York, New Mexico, United States
Thessy Mehrain
New York, New Mexico, United States
Bahar Alinia
New York, New Mexico, United States
Nataliya Stanetsky
Grow Women-Identifying Technologists Community by Organizing Blockchain Events
New York, New Mexico, United States
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