Women's College Hospital Foundation

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Women's College Hospital Foundation is dedicated to supporting Women's College Hospital as it revolutionizes healthcare for all. The Foundation is focused on raising the funds required to complete our redevelopment project and invests in women's health research and innovation. Working together with patients, family members, staff, physicians, volunteers, community members and corporations, we raise, manage and invest funds to support the Hospital's current and future priority needs. Our donors contribute generously to help build our new hospital, advance research and innovative programs that address the unique needs of women and their families.

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Women's College Hospital Foundation's headquarter address
Line 1: 790 bay street, suite 600, box 52, toronto, ontario, canada
Line 2: 790 Bay St
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People working at Women's College Hospital Foundation
Lauren La Rose
Director, Integrated Communcations and Brand
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jennifer Reynolds
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jennifer Maddock
Manager, Prospect Research and Analytics
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jordana Novak
VP Events & Community Engagement
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Cathy Hierlihy Carter
Vice President, Communications and Brand
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Navaz Mistry
Senior Director, Philanthropy
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Chris Pipka
Director, Finance And Operations
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sara Byrnell
Vice President Philanthropy & Partnerships
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Chaim Cutler, CPA CA
Interim President & CEO
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jundino Ugo
Director, Donor Services & Analytics
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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