
Women's Inclusive Team (WIT)

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Our Aim Is to support disadvantaged female Tower Hamlets residents to become independent and socially included. We focus on supporting the needs of Black and ethnic minority women and promoting social cohesion within the wider community, though we are open to all women regardless of ethnicity. Run by women, for women. We enjoy a strong relationship with the local authority and other organisations. We have supported over 400 individuals ranging from ages 0-100 in achieving a better quality of life. Year on year, the numbers of individuals who refer to our services has increased by at least 30%, a testimony to our determined and high quality work. All our projects are for women and are designed, planned and delivered to empower women. The details and exact delivery change from time-to-time but the key projects that are continuously delivered include: Advice and Guidance ESOL or other relevant courses Employment focused courses such as TA or Childcare Level 2/3 Workshops to provide information on various topics such as, housing, health and domestic violence. During the COVID-19 crisis Women's Inclusive Team have worked fast and effectively to provide support and food deliveries to help some of the most vulnerable in Tower Hamlets. The three main resources they have set up are: Food Bank - supplying emergency dry goods to residents Community Kitchen - supplying one hot evening meal a day to residents Hot Meals service - supplying one hot lunch time meal a day to residents

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Women's Inclusive Team (WIT)'s headquarter address
Line 1: 202 cambridge heath road, london, greater london, united kingdom
Line 2: 204a Cambridge Heath Road
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nonprofit organization management
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People working at Women's Inclusive Team (WIT)
Sadhika Obheroi
Social Media and Communications Lead
Whitechapel, England, United Kingdom
Natasha Hanckel-Spice
Trustee & Board Member (Finance Subcommittee)
Whitechapel, England, United Kingdom
Susannah Nelson
Board Trustee
Whitechapel, England, United Kingdom
Hannah Lind
Member Board Of Trustees
Whitechapel, England, United Kingdom
Sara Custer
Member Board of Trustees
Whitechapel, England, United Kingdom
Zahra Mire
Director of Services
Whitechapel, England, United Kingdom
Safia Jama MBE
Whitechapel, England, United Kingdom
Ridwan Mahamed Yusuf
Youth Worker
Whitechapel, England, United Kingdom
Yusuf Abdi
Whitechapel, England, United Kingdom
Marianne Cagle
Project Manager
Whitechapel, England, United Kingdom
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