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Woodside Holdings Investment Management
Woodside Holdings Investment Management is a Singapore Registered Fund Management Company incorporated in 2009. The company evolved from of a family investment holding company established in Singapore in 1959 and the family connection endures. After 50 years in the private domain, the company opened its core fund to external investment by institutions and high net worth investors. The aim of this fund, The Asian Wealth Fund, is to target strong through-the-cycle risk-adjusted returns and the minimization of unnecessary transaction and intermediary expenses.
- website: http://www.wh-im.com
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/woodsidesingapore
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Woodside Holdings Investment Management's headquarter address
Line 1:
3 shenton way, shenton house, singapore, central singapore, sg, 068805
Line 2:
3 Shenton Way
Woodside Holdings Investment Management's industries
investment management
Woodside Holdings Investment Management's technology
GoDaddy Hosting
Mobile Friendly
People working at Woodside Holdings Investment Management
Charles Humpleby
MD, Head of Client Origination
Singapore, Singapore
Fergusson, David
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