Workwear Outfitters

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Workwear Outfitters is a leading supplier of innovative work apparel and footwear for diverse occupations. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, the company employs more than 5,800 people in facilities spanning the globe. Brands under the Workwear Outfitters umbrella include Red Kap®, Bulwark®, VF Solutions®, Kodiak®, Terra®, Walls®, Liberty ®, Work Authority®, Workrite® Fire Service, Chef Designs®, and Horace Small®. Workwear Outfitters is also the exclusive licensee for Dickies® apparel in the B2B channel.

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Workwear Outfitters's headquarter address
Line 1: 545 Marriott Drive, Nashville, Tennessee 37214, US
Line 2: 545 Marriott Dr
Workwear Outfitters's industries
apparel & fashion
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People working at Workwear Outfitters
Jodie Hoye
Digital Project Manager
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Phil Byerly
Vice President Operations
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Brad Bromstead
Vice President & General Manager: Retail Brands
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Jennifer Rowe
Vice President of Merchandising & Design
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Warren Smith
Manager, Indirect Procurement
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Caleb Yockey
Director of Sales US, Kodiak and Terra
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Matt M.
Director - Product Mangement, Footwear
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Aimee Say
Senior Marketing Manager
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Brett Barthel
VP Sales & Business Development
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Danelle Kournianos
Product Development Manager
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
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