X1 Entertainment Group

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X1 Esports and Entertainment Ltd. is a gaming and entertainment company that helps connect brands with Gen-Z and millennial audiences all over the world through a diverse portfolio of assets which includes an Esports team, a talent management agency, and other integrated media assets. The company's assets are in three main verticals: Media & Network, Creator Economy, and Gaming & Esports. X1 is continuing to build upon its existing portfolio of assets through a combination of organic growth and accretive M&A. Tyrus Talent | Shift Media | Octane.GG | RixGG

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X1 Entertainment Group's headquarter address
Line 1: 615-800 west pender street, vancouver, british columbia, ca, v6c 2v6
Line 2: 800 W Pender St
X1 Entertainment Group's industries
computer games
X1 Entertainment Group's technology
Apache Cloudways GoDaddy Hosting Google Font API Google Tag Manager InfusionSoft Mobile Friendly WordPress.org
People working at X1 Entertainment Group
Mark Elfenbein
Chief Executive Officer
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Adam Ross
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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