XP Consulting Services

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I've been in ad ops for over 10 years and have experience across desktop, mweb, and in-app environments; understand both the SSP- and DSP-side of programmatic; and have worked with O&O as well as ad network companies. I recently taught myself how to write SQL commands, know how to read a bid request, VAST response, as well as plain vanilla ad tag. The last two startups I joined were acquired. I've written ad implementation as well as advertiser-facing specs; set policy around SLA's between my team and sales/sales support; established and enforced best practices and standardization around campaign implementation & QA processes; vetted potential vendor technologies and implemented the ones we ended up partnering with. I've recently started consulting and am looking for companies interested in yield management and monetization strategies, analyzing and tuning up processes, or just starting to think about introducing ads to their sites/apps.

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Dr. Allen L. (AL) Peterson
Independent Consultant/Business Owner
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