Yellow Rose Consulting, LLC of Texas

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Yellow Rose Consulting LLC is a Texas-based Consulting company that caters to clients such as agencies, companies, and organizations who have operational websites that service the public and provide access to online documentation. We assist them in reviewing and updating their current documentation that is accessible to the public population, to ensure that once available, it meets ADA standards and guidelines. We audit and fix documents on behalf of the agency, company, or organization, provide training classes that produce finished product (1-2 documents per trainee), or a combination of both.

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Yellow Rose Consulting, LLC of Texas's headquarter address
Line 1: carrollton, texas 75010, us
Yellow Rose Consulting, LLC of Texas's industries
information technology & services
Yellow Rose Consulting, LLC of Texas's technology
CloudFlare Google Cloud Hosting Mobile Friendly Varnish Wix
People working at Yellow Rose Consulting, LLC of Texas
Kelsey Hogan, EBP, CFP, Notary Public of TX
Company President & CEO
Carrollton, Texas, United States
Christopher Childs
Chief Information Officer
Carrollton, Texas, United States
Tina Bailey
Safety Consultant
Carrollton, Texas, United States
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