YES PAC Packaging solutions

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Since 2015 YES-PAC has been the brand name of our packaging arm which includes two manufacturing companies with various facilities; International Engineering Union for Polymer Industries (IEUPI) and International Polymer Industries (IPI). These companies have been in the manufacturing field since 1999 with a strong local and regional market share. YES-PAC exports its wide range of products to more than 18 countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe, fulfilling customer requirements in various sectors such as food processing, pharmaceutical, healthcare, and the chemical industry. YES-PAC is one of the leading IML packaging solutions manufacturers in Egypt, Africa, and the Middle East due to premium quality, innovative ideas, efficient processes, and hygienic manufacturing conditions. This is why YES-PAC continues to be a major packaging supplier to several multinational and local companies. Eco-friendliness, efficiency, integrity, absolute commitment, customer satisfaction, and loyalty are but a few drivers of our business ethics. Whatever your idea might be, we will study its application on all levels, merge it with our technologies and inventive solutions, and translate it into a tangible reflection of your business objectives. YES-PAC can quickly fulfill customer demands, thanks to a close and long-running association with its mould and equipment suppliers reducing the lead time from customer concept to market. Our R & D department will study your application and transform your ideas into solutions and design a product to suit your requirement.

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Packaging and Containers Manufacturing
People working at YES PAC Packaging solutions
Mohamed Ramadan
Installation & Production Engineer
6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt
Ahmed Abdel-Razik
Supply Chain Manager
6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt
Dina Bayommey
Performance and Training Section Head
6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt
Khaled Nageeb
Production Manager
6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt
Sammar Abd El Fattah
Procurement Supervisor
6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt
Mona Kandil
Human Resources Coordinator
6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt
Marketer Rana Yasser
Senior Marketing Executive
6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt
Ayat Abozeid
Procurement Managee
6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt
Mohamed Magdy CMA,MBA,COM, CSM, IFRS, CFM, PMP, SAP, Dynamix AX
Group Financial Control Director- SAP Projects Consultant
6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt
Mohamed Elmongy
Account receivable
6th of October, Al Jizah, Egypt
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