Yes Welding, Inc.

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Established in 1990 Yes Welding was built and created by Juan L. Romero (CEO), who is specialized in Integral Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance with over 25 years of knowledge and experience in the Welding Industry. Throughout the years he has helped aspiring welders by passing on his knowledge, teaching his skill-sets, and sharing his love for the trade. Since opening our shop doors for business back in 2005, Yes Welding has been associated with a high level of quality and professionalism. That's based on our concerted effort to deepen the connections we have within the San Jose community and to continuously improve the personalized services we provide. At Yes Welding we value: Quality, Integrity, Teamwork, Passion, and Leadership. We aspire to continue inspiring and growing for generations to come.

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Yes Welding, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 183 ryland street, san jose, ca, united states
Line 2: 183 Ryland St
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mechanical or industrial engineering
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