Yorkshire Realty, Inc.

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Yorkshire Realty, Inc. was founded by an attorney and data scientist who achieved financial independence by investing in multi-family rental properties in Los Angeles. Our mission is to help others channel the power of real estate to build passive income and grow wealth. We utilize our unique skill-set and direct experience to make and manage strong investments tailored to our clients' needs. We aim to demystify real estate investing and make it more accessible to investors of all experience levels. Whether you are a seasoned investor or new to the business, we are ready to help you take the next step forward.

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Yorkshire Realty, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: los angeles, ca
Yorkshire Realty, Inc.'s industries
real estate
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People working at Yorkshire Realty, Inc.
Chris Barker
Founder and CEO
Los Angeles, California, United States
Nida Rinthapol
Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer
Los Angeles, California, United States
Sean Kane
Leasing Manager
John Hughes
Maintenance Technician
Alicia Crispo
Property Manager
Brenda Hargest
Property Manager
Denise Hinckley
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