Youth Enhancement International

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Youth Enhancement International is committed to providing young people with the necessary skills to realize their full potential, with a range of activities including education, entrepreneurship, mentorship, sports, heritage and culture. YEI aims to create generations of conscious minded and self-reliant young people. Youth Enhancement International has harnessed the interests of young people from across the globe and enabled them to bring positive changes to their communities and the world at large. We are legally registered as a limited company by guarantee in Ghana and UK. Our programs and projects have been funded by organization in Ghana and UK, including: Department for Education and Skills (UK), Local Network Fund (UK), BBC Children in Need, Adventure Capital Fund, London Development Agency under the Access to Finance Program , Big Lottery Fund through Awards for All, PricewaterhouseCooper (UK), British Council (Ghana), National Youth Council of Ghana. Please visit www.youthenhancement.org for further information on our work.

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People working at Youth Enhancement International
Stephen Gyasi-Kwaw
London, England, United Kingdom
Stephen Gyasi-Kwaw
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