Youth Mentoring Connection

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The Mission of Youth Mentoring is to awaken at-risk youth to their power, unique gifts and purpose by matching them with caring adult mentors and placing that "match" within a structured group dynamic that provides the resources youth need to reach productive, conscious adulthood. We further seek to awaken society to the needs, promise and value of this overlooked population Our Vision is of a community where young people are truly seen and not just watched, where society understands and accepts its responsibility in meeting the needs of all young people, and where young people bring their gifts back into their communities as productive members of society. Youth Mentoring's programs include worksite mentoring, community based mentoring, rites of passage, surfing, film academy, ECHO (deep converstations in a safe space, much like group therapy), life skills support along with various other resources to help our kids navigate their lives once they've graduated or leave our program. Our results include a consistent 95% plus, graduation rate (double the norm for our population of kids). Of those graduates, 94% have gone on to 2 to 4-year colleges!!

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Youth Mentoring Connection's headquarter address
Line 1: 4103 w adams blvd, los angeles, california 90018, us
Line 2: 4103 W Adams Blvd
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nonprofit organization management
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Apache Blue Host Bootstrap Framework Google Analytics Google Font API Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook WordPress.org YouTube
People working at Youth Mentoring Connection
Scott Landsman
Kathline Moessner, MPA
Grants Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
Joshua Lau
Chief Operating Officer
Los Angeles, California, United States
Serena Miller
Project Manager
Los Angeles, California, United States
Jasmin Paige Coleman
Program Assistant
Los Angeles, California, United States
Nicheala Johnson
Executive Director
Los Angeles, California, United States
Brae Flores Colorado
Lead Program Coordinator
Los Angeles, California, United States
Julie Ringwood
Grant Manager
David Saunders
Student Mentor
Los Angeles, California, United States
Ray Beccaria
Operations Officer
Los Angeles, California, United States
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