Zelto, a universe of tech solutions and products in the making. "That's fancy. So, why do you really exist?" To empower those who are creating on the world wide web with the spirit to keep it free and accessible. "How do you do that?" With our products: AdPushup - A Google Certified Publishing Partner that helps publishers earn more ad revenue. A lot more. AdRecover - A solution to recover lost revenue due to adblocked traffic without an impact on UX. Really no impact. Glimpse - A cutting edge solution for boosting user engagement and link clicks with stunning previews. Absolutely stunning. "Sounds good but got any social proof?" Many but we'll just mention a few: Ranked as the 33rd fastest-growing company in the Americas by Financial Times Average rating of 4.7 on review platforms by publishers who have worked with us. Great Places to Work certified "Wow! How can I get in touch with you?" Send us a message - we are super prompt.
- website: http://www.zelto.com
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/zelto