Zilla Capital

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Zilla Capital is a full-fledged Investment Bank that was founded in 2018. In 2020 the firm acquired the operations of Multiples Group which used to operate in MENA region for a decade bringing together some of the most seasoned bankers in the region. Zilla Capital is a full-fledged investment services firm that provides financial advisory, asset management, private equity, and non-banking financial services all over the MENA Region.

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Zilla Capital's headquarter address
Line 1: 18th floor, north tower, nile city towers, corniche el nile, cairo, egypt, cairo, egypt, eg
Line 2: شارع كورنيش النيل
Zilla Capital's industries
investment banking
Zilla Capital's technology
CloudFlare Hosting Cloudflare DNS Mobile Friendly Rackspace Email Shutterstock WordPress.org
People working at Zilla Capital
Wael Ziada
Executive Chairman
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Yassmin Khafagy
Marketing Section Head
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Basma Badawy
Head of Human Resrources & Operations
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Amina Afifi
Senior HR & Operations Specialist
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Salah Khalifa
Head Of Business Development
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Aya Zoheir
Deputy Research Manager
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Ramy Farouk Ali
Managing Partner
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Mohamed Mostafa
Risk Analyst
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Mai El-Ghannam
Investment Analyst
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Gehad Darwish
Senior Accountant
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
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