ZINFI Technologies, Inc.

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Drive Your Channel Productivity Globally ZINFI helps technology providers and their channel partners achieve profitable growth rapidly and affordably by automating channel management processes globally. ZINFI's Unified Channel Management platform enables technology providers to drive profitable revenue growth by deploying a set of cloud based modules for Partner Relationship Management (PRM) and Partner Marketing Management (PMM) that seamlessly work together by fitting into an existing infrastructure.

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ZINFI Technologies, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 6200 stoneridge mall road, pleasanton, california, united states
Line 2: 6200 Stoneridge Mall Road
ZINFI Technologies, Inc.'s industries
computer software
ZINFI Technologies, Inc.'s technology
Cloudflare DNS Outlook CloudFlare Hosting Microsoft Azure Hosting Microsoft Office 365 Bluekai Flowplayer Google Analytics Google Tag Manager Google Font API Mobile Friendly Bootstrap Framework WordPress.org Litmos ASP.NET
People working at ZINFI Technologies, Inc.
Sugata Sanyal
Founder & CEO
Pleasanton, California, United States
Louise Crawford
Strategic Marketing Consultant
Pleasanton, California, United States
Anjan Chakraborty
Sr. Director of Marketing Programs, APJ
Pleasanton, California, United States
Melissa G. McNeil
Senior Director of Sales, ZINFI Technologies
Pleasanton, California, United States
kaushik basu
Leader Database Services
Pleasanton, California, United States
Christopher Field
Senior Director, Customer Experience Management
Pleasanton, California, United States
Jay K
Sr Manager Marketing
Pleasanton, California, United States
Paul Hoffman
Sr. Sales Manager
Pleasanton, California, United States
Supriyo Das
Information Technology Manager
Pleasanton, California, United States
Timothy Mahoney
Global Business Development Manager
Pleasanton, California, United States
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