Zoppas Industries Heating Element Technologies

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Zoppas Industries Heating Element Technologies boast an experience of over 60 years in design and production of heating elements and systems, even completed with thermal controls for domestic and industrial applications. Thanks to its business units' high specialization in the different application areas from major to small domestic appliances and from comfort conditioning to the industrial market, Zoppas Industries Heating Element Technologies has solid competence and steady innovation in developing tubular heaters, cartridges and band heaters, etched foil, thick film, heating cables, stitched wire heating elements, finned aluminium heaters, functional assemblies, and electronic controls.

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Zoppas Industries Heating Element Technologies's headquarter address
Line 1: 26 via podgora, vittorio veneto, veneto, italy
Line 2: 26 Via Podgora
Zoppas Industries Heating Element Technologies's industries
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
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People working at Zoppas Industries Heating Element Technologies
Cesare Savini
COO Americas
Vittorio Veneto, Veneto, Italy
Luis González
Jefe de Compras Directas
Vittorio Veneto, Veneto, Italy
Paulina S.
Vittorio Veneto, Veneto, Italy
Savislav Janjevic
Gianluca Grassano
Chief Information Officer
Vittorio Veneto, Veneto, Italy
sami saglam
After Sales Service Area Manager
Vittorio Veneto, Veneto, Italy
Paola Pesavento
Strategic Marketing Manager
Vittorio Veneto, Veneto, Italy
Stefano Zanella
Global Technical Director
Vittorio Veneto, Veneto, Italy
Alvise Fontana
IT & Innovation Advisor
Vittorio Veneto, Veneto, Italy
Michele Peterle
Business Unit Director Aerospace & Medical
Vittorio Veneto, Veneto, Italy
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