Zoro US

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At Zoro, we're obsessed with our customers. We leverage the latest tools and technologies to make it as easy as possible for our customers to shop for everything they need to make their businesses go. Zoro.com launched in May 2011 with about 20 employees and an assortment of around 180,000 items. Over the next several years, we expanded rapidly, growing the business with a much bigger team and a greater selection of products. As an e-Commerce, digital-first business, we've developed Zoro.com into a destination for searching, ordering, and shipping supplies and tools quickly and seamlessly. Today, we offer millions of unique products for every job—and we're adding more all the time.

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Zoro US's headquarter address
Line 1: 500 W Madison St, Chicago, Illinois 60661, US
Line 2: 500 W Madison St
Zoro US's industries
Retail Office Equipment
Zoro US's technology
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