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As technology evolves, it swiftly alters the way we live, work and think. Our expectations shift just as fast. Zresta strives for elegant simplicity, focusing our minds on our customers and implementing solutions that fit right into their environments. Zresta is a consulting firm that provides Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse solutions specializing in the Microsoft Business Intelligence suite of products.

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Zresta's headquarter address
Line 1: Houston, TEXAS
Zresta's industries
information technology & services
Zresta's technology
Gmail Google Apps Mobile Friendly Google Tag Manager
People working at Zresta
Shivangi Bhatt Rawal
Founder & CEO
Cypress, Texas, United States
Varsha Bhatt
Managing Partner - South Asia
Cypress, Texas, United States
You can find 2 people working at Zresta on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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