Cake Technologies, Inc.

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Finally, a web browser designed for your phone. But like, for real. Cake is a fresh take on the mobile browser that combines new search and web browsing technologies with an experience designed uniquely for a smartphone. See more of the web you care about, simply swipe through your results and saved sites, and personalize your search services—it's your web, your way. Founded in 2016, Cake Technologies Inc. is an early stage, venture-backed startup located in Utah, USA. The team's leadership comes from both technology and consumer-facing operations at, Lendio, Nav, Studio, and Brandr. The Cake team is comprised of new school and old school techies that share a love for the web. Drawing from a long history in consumer technology, the focus at Cake is to create not just innovative products, but delightful, valuable user experiences.

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Cake Technologies, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 1 e center st ste 210, provo, utah, usa, 84606
Line 2: 1 E Center St
Cake Technologies, Inc.'s industries
Cake Technologies, Inc.'s technology
Gmail Google Apps Amazon AWS
People working at Cake Technologies, Inc.
Tim Graczewski
Co-founder / President
Provo, Utah, United States
Levi K.
Founder and Chairman
Provo, Utah, United States
Jase Bosarge
Provo, Utah, United States
Sid K.
Board Member
Provo, Utah, United States
Rafia Chowdhury
Software Developer
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