CAPE Mentors

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CAPE (Creative Alternative Path for Education) Mentors is an educational support service for students finding it difficult to access education. We focus on supporting students with social, emotional and mental health needs and students that are not able to access learning at their school for other medical or safeguarding reasons. We provide quality education to address gaps in knowledge. We create projects that allow our students to develop their confidence through tailor-made activities that incorporate their individual interests. We have high expectations for both our staff and students. We ensure our lessons are planned with coherent learning objectives. We ensure our students have targets that stretch and engage them. We ensure our teaching practice is informed by up to date teaching pedagogy.

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CAPE Mentors's headquarter address
Line 1: london, england n1 4qa, gb
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primary/secondary education
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People working at CAPE Mentors
Hussein Hussein
Canonbury, England, United Kingdom
Sarah Worth
Board Trustee
Canonbury, England, United Kingdom
Franziska Wilk
Member Board Of Trustees (Voluntary)
Canonbury, England, United Kingdom
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