Franziska Wilk

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: United Kingdom
Current employer: CAPE Mentors
Current title:
Member Board Of Trustees (Voluntary)
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Franziska Wilk is from United Kingdom. Franziska is currently Member Board Of Trustees (Voluntary) at CAPE Mentors, located in Canonbury, England, United Kingdom.

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Franziska Wilk's current jobs
Company: CAPE Mentors
Title: Member Board Of Trustees (Voluntary)
Period: Aug 2021 - Present (3 years, 5 months)
Location: Canonbury, England, United Kingdom

CAPE (Creative Alternative Path for Education) Mentors is an educational support service for students finding it difficult to access education. We focus on supporting students with social, emotional and mental health needs and those that are not able to access learning at their school for other medical or safeguarding reasons. We provide quality education to address gaps in knowledge and support our students to develop their confidence through tailor-made activities that incorporate their individual interests.

Franziska Wilk's Colleagues
Hussein Hussein
Canonbury, England, United Kingdom
Sarah Worth
Board Trustee
Canonbury, England, United Kingdom
Franziska Wilk has 2 colleagues in total at CAPE Mentors. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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