Content + Design™ LLC | Tekla Szymanski

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Content + Design™ LLC, a New York certified woman-owned business (WBE), is your one-stop show that provides editorial services, content strategy, content design, UX writing, website localization, translations, WordPress development and website maintenance for nonprofit clients, arts institutions and personal brands. I take a content-first approach in web design to get your message out and convert your site visitors. Multicultural and trilingual: English, German, Hebrew. What sets me apart? Most web developers don’t come from a content-creating background. I do. And I believe every web design project should be driven by a content-first approach. This is my unique value proposition to you: I’ll help you clarify, strategize and streamline your message, your call-to-action or the story you want to tell to better connect with your audience—and then develop a website that converts your site visitors into donors, members or clients. Your site should be a tool to boost your value and offer tangible outcomes, no matter your budget or the size of your organization. Content + Design™ LLC saves you money—no need to hire separate editorial, development and admin teams. And as an experienced communications’ professional, I develop strategies based on sound editorial principles and sustainable audience development. I will always apply traditional editorial in-depth checks and balances to your content to get your message out. https://www.tekla-szymanski.com

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Content + Design™ LLC | Tekla Szymanski's headquarter address
Line 1: 790 riverside dr, new york, ny, united states
Line 2: 790 Riverside Dr
Content + Design™ LLC | Tekla Szymanski's industries
Information Technology and Services
Content + Design™ LLC | Tekla Szymanski's technology
German English Hebrew WordPress nonprofits personal branding content strategy writing editing web design web development site maintenance UX Writing UX Editing Content First Design content design site localization editorial services content creation
People working at Content + Design™ LLC | Tekla Szymanski
Tekla Szymanski
Founder & CEO
New York, New York, United States
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