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Dasym is a research-driven thematic investment boutique based in Naarden, near Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The company has a long-term focus and aims to deliver absolute positive returns for its clients. With our multidisciplinary team and our creative approach we have developed a unique philosophy through which we can make long-term investments that create sustainable value for our clients. Our philosophy is to invest in the beneficiaries of changing consumer behavior as a result of the implementation of new technologies in daily life. The key technological drivers of our time are information and communication technologies, like the internet and mobile phones. Dasym offers investors the flexibility to apply the unique philosophy through listed products and investment services on an individual or collective basis.

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financial services
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CloudFlare Hosting Google Analytics Google Font API Google Tag Manager MailChimp MailChimp SPF Mobile Friendly Nginx WordPress.org
People working at Dasym
Zaina Ahmed-Karim
Chief Financial Officer
Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands
Peter van Rooyen
Chief Investment Officer
Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands
Gijs Heuvingh
Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands
Yvette IJsbrandy
Interim HR Project Manager
Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands
Paul Gerrits
Senior Legal Counsel
Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands
Johan Spijksma
Director legal and business affairs
Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands
Ewout Visser
Director Strategic Investments & New Ventures
Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands
Luc van Doorne
Digital Business Development
Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands
Sebastiaan de Looper
IT Audit Consultant a.i.
Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands
Allard Tip
Company Administrator
Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands
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