Peter Van Rooyen

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Email: ****
Location: Naarden, North Holland, Netherlands
Current employer: Dasym Investment Strategies
Current title:
Chief Investment Officer
Last updated: 21/09/2023 17:39 PM
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Peter Van Rooyen is from Naarden, North Holland, Netherlands. Peter is currently Chief Investment Officer at Dasym Investment Strategies, located in Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands.

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Peter Van Rooyen's current jobs
Title: Chief Investment Officer
Period: Nov 2013 - Present (11 years, 2 months)
Location: Bussum, North Holland, Netherlands

Peter has been responsible for managing Dasym Public Markets ("DPM") since its inception in January 2015. DPM builds concentrated portfolios for professional clients by acquiring long-only positions in listed companies that fit our proprietary investment themes – no leverage, structured products or short-selling. The multi-year track record achieved with thematic funds in the U.S., Europe, Latin America and Africa demonstrates proof of concept. DMA is supported by an experienced organization with wide-ranging expertise covering economics, political science, philosophy, technology, data science, and market research.

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