Eco-Ethonomics Inc.

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Eco-Ethonomics Inc. is a private sector consulting firm specializing in social innovation, social enterprise development, evaluation and impact assessment, organizational and collaborative development, public sector innovation, sustainability and corporate social responsibility (visit our website at: www.ecoethonomics.ca). At Eco-Ethonomics, we are devoted to realizing a future economy that embeds new values and perpetuates collective affluence for all. Through our consulting and coaching services, we are transforming the way non- profits, social enterprises, businesses, and governments think and succeed. We re-energize organizations to achieve breakthrough innovations and impact. With our expertise in strategic thinking and business development, our entrepreneurial spirit and our passionate leadership we are able to accomplish these objectives. Eco-Ethonomics Inc. stems from three Greek root words, "Eco" meaning planet, "Ethos" meaning moral character and "Nomos" meaning order or management. All the projects the company engages in accelerate social change and social responsibility. Our work is dedicated to supporting the emergence of a new ethical economy, and with this end in mind, we see opportunities for change and signs of progress all around us.

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nonprofit organization management
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People working at Eco-Ethonomics Inc.
Ryan Turnbull
Founder and President (ecoethonomics.ca)
Pickering, Ontario, Canada
Devon Gregory
Research Associate
Jeffrey Bovis
Research Associate
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