Ryan Turnbull

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Email: ****n@ecoethonomics.ca
Location: Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Current employer: Eco-Ethonomics Inc.
Current title:
Founder and President (ecoethonomics.ca)
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Ryan Turnbull is from Whitby, Ontario, Canada. Ryan is currently Founder and President (ecoethonomics.ca) at Eco-Ethonomics Inc., located in Pickering, Ontario, Canada.

You can find Ryan Turnbull's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Ryan Turnbull's current jobs
Title: Founder and President (ecoethonomics.ca)
Period: Jan 2008 - Present (17 years)
Location: Pickering, Ontario, Canada

Eco-Ethonomics Inc. is a groundbreaking consulting firm that leverages cross-sector expertise to provide strategic advice, foster collaboration and facilitate cultural change in order to combine social, environmental and business objectives. The firm and its dynamic team bring an entrepreneurial spirit to the areas of corporate social responsibility, ethical governance, organizational development, program and evaluation planning, and social enterprise development. We exist to maximize value for all stakeholders and promote the success, health and prosperity of businesses, organizations and communities. The company name, when broken down into its three root words “Eco”, “Ethos” and “Nomos” means ethical governance for sustainable future. The company was inspired by a vision of an expanded notion of responsibility in which individuals, companies, organizations, and governments operate within a new ethical paradigm. Our slogan is: creating an economy of value. Go to our website at: http://www.ecoethonomics.ca

Ryan Turnbull's Colleagues
Devon Gregory
Research Associate
Jeffrey Bovis
Research Associate
Ryan Turnbull has 2 colleagues in total at Eco-Ethonomics Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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