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BRAZIL SOCIETY has a mission to RETHINK EXPERIENCES creating high level initiatives driving culture development , networking , exclusive performances and business transformation. We have launched to 2 key products in Miami : SOUNDS OF BRAZIL , launched in 2016 features leading Brazilian musicians performing in a intimate setting at the famous Faena Theater in Miami Beach. Past performances have included incredible live acoustic shows artists like : Paula Toller, Paulo Ricardo , Vanessa da Mata and Marina Lima. Marcelo Bonfa and Dado Villa Lobos with LEGIAO URBANA XXX and now BARAO VERMELHO on NoVember 28th. BRAZIL FASHION FORUM , Launched in 2017 , this pioneer fashion event showcases leading Brazilian designers in Miam and it was awarded the Best Brazilian Cultural event by the Press Award 2018. home page: www.brazilfashionforum.com This year , outstanding runway shows will take place over 2 days offering a platform for designers to showcase their latest collections alongside various pop up stores as well as fine art & fashion Gallery and a forum discussing Brazil's booming fashion industry and more. We launched the Brazil Fashion Forum with the vision to create a regional model for a Fashion event bringing opportunities for talented designers exposure their new designs internationally at the same time elevating the Fashion market in Miami. This year we will have great Brazilian designers involved in our event. It will be held at Faena Forum during the Pre- Art Basel on November 29th-30th.

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Christiano R. Marchesini
Coral Gables, Florida, United States
Juliana Figueiroa M. Loyola
Event Planner for Brazil Fashion Forum
Coral Gables, Florida, United States
PaizFa Azmi
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