Juliana Figueiroa M Loyola

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Key Biscayne, Florida, United States
Current employer: Brazil Society
Current title:
Event Planner for Brazil Fashion Forum
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:41 AM
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Juliana Figueiroa M Loyola is from Key Biscayne, Florida, United States. Juliana Figueiroa is currently Event Planner for Brazil Fashion Forum at Brazil Society, located in Coral Gables, Florida, United States.

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Juliana Figueiroa M Loyola's current jobs
Company: Brazil Society
Title: Event Planner for Brazil Fashion Forum
Period: Sep 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: Coral Gables, Florida, United States

Provided support to BFF Co-founders @brazilfashionforum with a wide array of administrative, logistical and project-related support. Performed best-in-class service to consumers while demonstrating knowledge, enthusiasm for e-commerce store and Pop-up store concept. Strengthened and maintained positive relationships with team BFF management and catering staff. Professionally communicated with all peers, customers and management guest list with Google suite of products. Highly-organized and a meticulous attention to detail with complex calendar management experience. Strong ability to and confidence in managing up. Strong interpersonal skills and ability to manage multiple projects in a fast paced environment. Expectation of discretion on dealing with confidential materials. https://www.brazilfashionforum.com/

Juliana Figueiroa M Loyola's Colleagues
Christiano Marchesini
Coral Gables, Florida, United States
PaizFa Azmi
Juliana Figueiroa M Loyola has 2 colleagues in total at Brazil Society. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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