FPQ (UK) Ltd

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Based in the UK, FPQ (UK) Ltd specialises in providing a comprehensive range of new and used stainless steel tanks and used process equipment to the food and beverage, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. In addition to equipment sales, a range of services to meet your business needs is provided including removal, decommissioning, sourcing, salvaging, installation and purchase of new or used machinery and equipment. Our primary aim is always to find the most effective and economic solution to meet our clients' production and business needs. With an impressive network of industry contacts, we are able to source equipment including stainless steel tanks, mild steel tanks, bottling and filling lines, labelling and packaging equipment, power generation machinery and other plant, to meet your production requirements. Due to customer demand, PPS Sales (UK) Ltd has expanded the new build stainless steel tanks and vessels area of the business, offering a bespoke service to clients

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People working at FPQ (UK) Ltd
Euan Armstrong
Managing Director
Ayr, Scotland, United Kingdom
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