Euan Armstrong

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Email: ****n@fortproquip.co.uk
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Current employer: Fort Proquip Ltd
Current title:
Managing Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:40 AM
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Euan Armstrong is from Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. Euan is currently Managing Director at Fort Proquip Ltd, located in Ayr, Scotland, United Kingdom.

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Euan Armstrong's current jobs
Company: Fort Proquip Ltd
Title: Managing Director
Period: Jul 2000 - Present (24 years, 6 months)
Location: Ayr, Scotland, United Kingdom

www.fortproquip.co.uk The business specialises in providing a comprehensive range of new and used storage tanks and process equipment to the food and beverage, spirit, chemical and pharmaceutical industries within Europe. The business offers a high value service to meet cleints' production requirements. This service includes the removal of any unwanted/decommissioned tanks and process equipment to their replacement and installation, operating at all tmes within budget and time considerations. As CEO, I am developing the 'new build' tank division from capacities starting at 1000 litres. The most recent new build was 60,000 litres for use in the spirit industry.

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