FTC (Filtration Technology Corporation)

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Since 1987, Filtration Technology Corporation® (FTC) has built a reputation for developing and delivering innovative products at the forefront of filtration technology. Since then, we have expanded our operations to answer the complex filtration and separation needs of customers across many diverse markets, but our innovations haven't stopped at just our products. We engineer and deliver the highest quality process solutions, training, testing, and cutting-edge technology with unparalleled service and support for our customers. In our headquarters facility, FTC's manufacturing department stays on the leading edge of the filtration industry. Our highly skilled manufacturing teams undergo comprehensive training in order to provide the highest quality standards in the industry. Every product that leaves our facility has undergone extensive quality control measures to ensure consistency, accuracy, and a final, carefully engineered product. We are a leader in the engineering, design, manufacturing, delivery, and reliable performance of filtration and separation systems. This is supported by our commitment to R&D, customer service, and technical support. WHAT WE GUARANTEE QUALITY: We consistently develop filtration products and solutions to the highest standard that outperform the competition time after time. SERVICE: We provide custom filtration solutions and 24/7 support for our clients while focusing on flexible and timely delivery. INNOVATION: We continually improve our products and technology in our state-of-the-art research center. INTEGRITY: We will ensure that you have the right product for the job.

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FTC (Filtration Technology Corporation)'s headquarter address
Line 1: 11883 Cutten Road, Houston, Texas 77066, US
Line 2: 11883 Cutten Rd
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People working at FTC (Filtration Technology Corporation)
👨‍✈️Robert Pagan, PMC, AE1 U.S. Navy
Operations Manager
Houston, Texas, United States
Chris Wallace
Vice President Of Technology
Houston, Texas, United States
John Worrell
Vice President of Sales
Houston, Texas, United States
Tyler Johnson
President / CEO
Houston, Texas, United States
Hari Nemmara, PhD
Director Of Research Development
Houston, Texas, United States
Philip Falgout
Regional Sales Manager
Houston, Texas, United States
Tomas Moreno, MSEM
International Business Development Manager – Filtration Global Distributors
Houston, Texas, United States
Mark Daigle
EPC and Capital Projects Sales Manager
Houston, Texas, United States
Chelsea Randall, MBA
Director Of Finance And Human Resources
Houston, Texas, United States
Steven King
Director - Capital Projects
Houston, Texas, United States
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