John Worrell

Vice President Sales
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Email: ****l@ftc-houston.com
LinkedIn: John Worrell
Location: Friendswood, Texas, United States
Current title:
Vice President of Sales
Last updated: 02/08/2024 03:11 AM
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John Worrell is from Friendswood, Texas, United States. John works in the following industries: "批发", "工业设计/机械设计", and "石油和能源". John is currently Vice President of Sales at FTC (Filtration Technology Corporation), located in Houston, Texas Area. In John's previous role as a Filtration Product Manager at EADS, John worked in until Jun 2018. Prior to joining EADS, John was a Regional Manager at Eaton Filtration and held the position of Regional Manager. Prior to that, John was a Outside Sales at Eggelhof Inc. from Jan 1992 to Jan 1999.

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John Worrell's current jobs
Title: Vice President of Sales
Period: Jun 2018 - Present (6 years, 7 months)
Location: Houston, Texas Area
John Worrell's past jobs
Company: EADS
Title: Filtration Product Manager
Period: Jan 2003 - Jun 2018 (15 years, 5 months)
Company: Eaton Filtration
Title: Regional Manager
Period: Jan 1999 - Jan 2002 (3 years)
Company: Eggelhof Inc.
Title: Outside Sales
Period: Jan 1992 - Jan 1999 (7 years)
John Worrell's education
San Jacinto College
Associate of Science (A.S.), General Science
John Worrell's top skills
Competitive Analysis Energy
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