Interflora British Unit

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We're all about the love here. Whether it's for the beautiful blooms, our network of local Interflora florists, the beautiful moments we help create, or each and every one of the members of staff that keep us blooming. We're so proud that many award-winning florists choose to be part of the Interflora family. Each of our expert florists has the unique blend of skills, creativity and attention to detail needed to create every handmade Interflora bouquet. As well as being the largest in the world, we're also the longest serving flower delivery network too. For more than 90 years we have enjoyed a reputation for excellence. Every bouquet ordered from us is prepared with care and hand-delivered as promised. And with our international network of florists, a special bouquet can be handmade and delivered almost anywhere in the world in just a few hours. Whenever our colleagues are asked about what they love about working for Interflora, they'll say "it's the people" and because "it's like one big family". We pride ourselves on feeling like a family – we love to collaborate, engage and work together. Everything we do in our jobs contributes towards delivering beautiful moments.

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Interflora British Unit's headquarter address
Line 1: Lincolnshire
Line 2: Watergate
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People working at Interflora British Unit
Jim Clark
Head of Ecommerce
Victor Sierra Reyes
Digital & Marketing Director Spain & Portugal
Federica Scatena
Head of Digital | E-commerce e Digital Marketing | Brand & Social | Italia e Romania
Emily Kershaw
CRM Insight Manager
Nathan Young
IT Director
Charlotte Chambion
Head Of Customer Experience chez Interflora Group
Nicolas Pastorino
Group Chief Product & Technology Officer (CPTO)
Stephen Hughes CISSP
IT Security & Compliance Manager
Mark Joy
CFO / Company Secretary
Caroline Gest
Group CFO
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