John Lewis

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Since 1864 we've been delighting customers with our quality products and renowned customer service. We put happiness at the heart of everything we do. We our one brand under the John Lewis Partnership umbrella. A unique way of doing business where all of our Partners (employees) share ownership of the company. We're on a journey, an ongoing experiment to find happier, more trusted ways of doing business and all of our Partners have a part to play. By joining the Partnership you'll be joining a different kind of business. One that seeks to make a difference, not just to its Partners, but to the lives of everyone. It's this shared purpose that drives us. Guides us. And we believe that by working together, in Partnership, we can help create a place with happier people, for a happier business and a happier world. #FindYourHappier #DrivenByPurpose

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Line 1: 171 Victoria Street, London, England, GB
Line 2: 171 Victoria Street
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People working at John Lewis
Simon Skelton
Platform & Operations Manager (JL&P)
London, England, United Kingdom
Mark Hanvey
VP Procurement & Logistics
London, England, United Kingdom
Daniele Mercante
Head of CRM & Loyalty
London, England, United Kingdom
Christian Mason
Digital Delivery & Operations
London, England, United Kingdom
Eva Cullen
Head of Customer Fulfilment Operations
London, England, United Kingdom
Sarah Moughtin
Buyer Nursery
London, England, United Kingdom
Roseanne Winthrop
Category Lead, Nursery
London, England, United Kingdom
Vanessa Heath
Ecommerce Trading Manager, Furniture
London, England, United Kingdom
Andy Murray MBA, BEng
Omni-Channel & Digital Transformation - Interim
London, England, United Kingdom
Tasneem Shafiq MBA
Proposition Lead, Customer Experience
London, England, United Kingdom
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